my brain

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Hello there! I’m Nikhil. Welcome to my public second brain. I’ve been writing for a few years now and have found the format of drafting, editing, and publishing blog posts to be terribly cumbersome.

In fact, it’s prevented me from writing as much as I’d like. Over the years, I’ve experimented with various ways to get over this hurdle such as tweeting more, creating a section on my website for lightweight notes, and even sending out a monthly newsletter as a forcing function. Unfortunately, none of it stuck.

However, I found myself writing more than I had ever before in the recesses of my personal knowledge management system (previously primarily in Roam, now in Obsidian). I was writing thousands of words just for myself, never to be seen by another soul.

I want to change that. I want to make most of the writing that I create be public and available in an indexed and searchable format. That’s what this website aims to do. Welcome to my brain.

Utilizing Quartz, this site features the following:

  • Extremely fast full-text search by pressing /
  • Display for backlinks of each note
  • Fully customizable local graph view
  • Beautiful link previews

Let me know what you think of the design / content by either sending me an email or tweeting @ me! 👋🏽

Interactive Graph